Motivation is all around us. But the only way to see it and experience it is to first want to. Motivation is about people inspiring other people. If you want to succeed, look towards others who have succeeded and become inspired by them. Unfortunately, there are those who do the opposite and become jealous or envious of other people’s achievements. In the end, it’s all about one thing and one thing only and that is feeling good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself, you can achieve almost anything you set your mind to.

Many times our personal goals come as a result of experiencing someone else’s accomplishments. You see them conquer a barrier or leap over a hurdle and you immediately become motivated to do the same. You develop an “if they can do it, I can do it” attitude. Whether it is a friend running a marathon for the first time or a child beating an illness or someone overcoming a tragedy, you can become so motivated that you gain the courage to set an ambitious goal you never before thought you could achieve or had the guts to commit to.

What is more, you can even motivate yourself. For me, it comes when I am able to give back, do something good, perform an act of kindness. The feeling I get in return motivates me to want to do even more. When you give you can actually get back even more.

So, what motivates me? So many things: other people, children, older people, music, the weather, progress. And, more than anything else, I motivate myself.  Life is short, every day is a gift. Live it to its fullest. Just try.  There is no such thing as failure, only lessons learned.  Turn negatives into positives. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Keep things in perspective. Things are usually not that bad and if they are, well, they can only get better.

Motivation—it's all around us all the time. You just have to want it and give it.